Package-level declarations


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Returns the handler of the given item stack, if available. This item stack is not the staff item stack, but the one can be inserted into the staff.

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@get:JvmName(name = "hasHandlerOfStaff")
val ItemStack.hasHandlerOfItem: Boolean

Returns if the given staff item stack has a registered handler. This item stack is not the staff item stack, but the one can be inserted into the staff.

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@get:JvmName(name = "isItemInStaff")
val ItemStack.isItemInStaff: Boolean

Checks if an item is added the given staff item stack.

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Gets or sets the item added to the given staff item stack.


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inline operator fun <L, R> Either<L, R>.component1(): Optional<L>
inline operator fun <F, S> Pair<F, S>.component1(): F
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inline operator fun <L, R> Either<L, R>.component2(): Optional<R>
inline operator fun <F, S> Pair<F, S>.component2(): S